02 May FROM MY SKETCHBOOK: ORDER OF THE MAJESTIC This mystery man is an agent of the Invisible Hand, a secret society of magicians who hoard magic for their own evil ends. ArtworkorderofthemajesticSketchbook
02 May FROM MY SKETCHBOOK: REVILE From the JACK BLANK Adventures . . . Revile is the unbeatable Rustov killing machine that only Jack has the power to stop. ArtworkJack BlankSketchbook
19 Feb FROM MY SKETCHBOOK: BLACK PANTHER Long live the king! #BlackPanther #WakandaForever ArtworkSketchbook
13 Jul FROM MY SKETCHBOOK: THE RUSTOV The Rustov (pronounced Roost-ov) are the main villains in the JACK BLANK trilogy. These alien invaders are cybernetic parasites who latch onto organic creatures and steal their lifeforce to survive. The […] ArtworkJack BlankRustovSketchbookVillains
17 Jun SKETCHBOOK: Redondo the Magnificent Redondo the Magnificent is the world’s greatest magician. So, how come he’s been hiding out in the Majestic Theatre for the last 20 years? ArtworkCharactersMagic